Opening Hours
Weekdays 8:30am to 5pm Saturdays 9am to 1pm
00 44 (0)15394 88686
00 44 (0)15394 88683
00 44 (0)7711 079615
E mail:
Goacher Sails Ltd
LA23 3DH
Repairs and Service
We offer:
- A complete repair service for Sails and Canvas.
- Sail and Canvas Laundry service
Sailmakers are at their busiest leading up to the sailing season. To ensure all your winter service work is done in plenty of time before the sailing season, we very much appreciate winter service work brought to us in the autumn.
If you are reading this on Sunday evening surrounded by torn sailcloth - don't despair!
- Deliver to our Windermere Loft or Barrow address.
- Leave at a Windermere location for collection.
- If you can't conveniently deliver to us, we can arrange for collection by carrier from anywhere in the UK. Make sure items are securely bagged.
- We are often around and about marinas and clubs from Maryport down to Fleetwood, so we might be able to collect but please check with us particularly if the repair is urgent. We offer a full winter washing and valeting service for sails and canvaswork.